Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Olevia Tv Manual #226 Model

The Coca-Cola setback

all know that advertising can be an art, often Coca-Cola has shown us, but in his last campaign loop last June to promote Schweppes (One of his trademarks) in the UK, has made in my opinion and I'm sure you will agree with me, one of the most unfortunate mistakes in the history of advertising.

The campaign called "How to get a seat on the subway" goes beyond bad taste, is offensive, use the Mexican encouraging rejection they fear the spread of flu and it is irresponsible to treat of to trivialize such a serious topic.

The problem of influenza A is too serious to be frivolice with him, there is a widespread fear among the population, the number of imported cases increases everywhere in Spain have died so far four people, more than seven hundred worldwide, and these gentlemen of Coca-Cola have come up with a better idea to use in this advertising campaign .

know if the criticism of the campaign have been successful and Coca-Cola has withdrawn the ads, not the first time since different groups at least in Spain has demanded the withdrawal of some ads and the protest has been result.

The truth is that such campaigns could expect any less than Coca-Cola but this time let me down a lot. Seen



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