Wednesday, October 21, 2009

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The joke is over and Integrity Improvising

The argument on which the final campaign tour of the British bank HSBC is to remind us that for many people the integrity and accountability are more important than money. They say that applying these values \u200b\u200bin their financial decisions.

always good to remind us of those values, but in my opinion, much of the origin of the financial crisis was due to not always in the international financial system, it acted with responsibility and integrity.

in Spain without going any further, many decisions in the light of the current situation of English banks were taken always thinking about the money. Were signed mortgages, loans and insurance policies to companies and individuals whose ability to pay was more than doubtful. The consequences of this administration we are all now suffering, scarcity of cash, credit restrictions, closures and rising unemployment of course.

has always been said that practice makes perfect, and it would be desirable of this crisis, all we learned that one must always precede our decisions integrity and accountability before the money.


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