Friday, December 24, 2010

Going To School Without Underwear

By: Felipe Argote

Since its founding in December 2007, Wikileaks has posted on its website a million two hundred thousand documents classified or secret. Much has to do with the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. The largest volume was published on 28 November this year when the site reported 251.187 communications between the State Department and U.S. embassies around the world: most filtration secret documents of history.

Within this document was leaked communications that occurred between the former U.S. ambassador Barbara Stephenson and the Department of State of the United States around the issue of bidding for new locks macro expansion project of the canal. Some information for those who do not live in this country is shocking, as the vice Varela was against the expansion of the canal and went on to state that in three years would be that it was a failure. For those who live in Panama and see the shameful smear campaign in which shipped all the presidential candidates know that the current president Martinelli before allying with the Arnulfista Varela campaigned against precisely accusing them of having been against the expansion of the canal.

However the interesting thing about the reports of the embassy is the claim that the ambassador argued relentlessly that the U.S. company Bechtel Corporation won the contract for construction of the locks on the canal expansion seeking use the full weight of its political influence in order to be granted the concession. His goal, create indirect jobs in the United States to the unfortunate unemployment afflicting the country.

We must remember that Bechtel was the same who participated in the tender for the concession of the ports of Balboa and Cristobal finally won the Hong Kong company Hutchison Whampoa. On that occasion, after losing the Bechtel developed a multi-million advertising campaign in the United States saying that Panama had turned the channel to the Chinese. Such was the scandal to a Senate committee traveled to Panama to verify the accuracy of the claim, concluding that indeed only been given a concession the ports of Cristobal and Balboa, and not the Panama Canal in a tender where they said Bechtel had demonstrated ignorance of how business is done in the Third World. At that time the Hong Kong company made a proposal of the Bechtel doubled by the acquisition of port operations. The Hutchison is the largest operator in the world with 13% of global port operations. In its defense argued that Bechtel was awarded the contract for the traditional Panamanian-American friendship.

According to documents released by WikiLeaks the efforts of Ambassador Barbara Stephenson included contacts with consortia, the canal authority, the Martinelli government and to the independent consultant.

the end the tender was won by the consortium formed by English Sacyr-Valle Hermoso, Italy's Impregilo, Belgium's Jan de Mul and Constructora Urbana Panamanian who submitted a proposal to almost 1.000 million below the Bechtel . However, the embassy considered the possibility of contesting the grounds that Sacyr result was supported by the English government for the guarantees had been provided by Cesce, a unit of the English Ministry of Industry. Instead of Bechtel guarantees were given by the AIG, American International Group the leader in insurance and financial services worldwide, who pass was nationalized by the Federal Reserve of the United States September 17, 2008, when it bought 79% of its assets to avoid bankruptcy.

More shocking is the revelation that President Ricardo Martinelli asked the embassy nortemericana collaboration wiretapping against domestic political rivals and the leftist governments of the area. This request was accompanied by a list of political rivals seeking to intervene by telephone. This list was not disclosed. Wikileaks According to the report which is attributed to Ambassador Stephenson, is listed the political trend towards harassment and blackmail as very little of a statesman.

Wikileaks, it had become well known for the publication on April 5, a video where an Apache helicopter opens fire and kills a group of civilians including a Reuters reporter Namir Noor-eldeem, in assistant and nine other people and leaves others seriously injured including two children. The video was as secret material was taken from the same helicopter that shot the civilian group.

Since publication last November leaks wiki, wiki means quick in Hawaiian and leaks leak or drip, has been subjected to great pressure including amazon elimination host that harbored the deletion of your account on twitter, facebook, youtube, account visa, mastercard, paypal and others. One of the few who came to defend Wikileaks from the perspective of freedom of expression was the former president José Ignacio Lula de Silva of Brazil.

Wikileaks editor Julian Assange was recently jailed in England at the request of a Swedish prosecutor for rape, after being accused by a woman who had intercourse have had sex without using condom while she slept , sexual harassment does not insist on condom be contradicting his express desire to have used all his weight on it during one of her sex. He was released on bail after paying a substantial amount of money.


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