Monday, March 7, 2011

Emerald And Ivory Wedding Bouquet


By: Felipe Argote

of only six million inhabitants and a GDP of about 60.000 million Libya does not seem to have enough importance to have the whole world watch minute by minute the events of this country located in northern Africa between Tunisia, whose government fell in January this year after a series of large demonstrations and Egypt, whose government fell after a series of large demonstrations in February.

domino logic does not lead to the conclusion that Libya was the next dictatorship to fall after nearly 42 years of government of Muammar al-Qaddafi. But that same logic led the dictator to the conclusion that only through repression was fierce and immediate root out the popular uprising that he might not like Tunisia and Egypt that small protests were growing day by day to become unstoppable human tide that broke the army's loyalty.

Libyans in Egypt
The first references to Libya us back to the Egyptian empire speaking Libyan mercenary recruitment. Then again also refer to these mercenaries when they were allegedly hired by the legendary Hannibal, the Carthaginian, who was about to take Rome.
way through Asia Minor and Egypt with almost all of its inhabitants located on the shores lapped by the Mediterranean Sea, Libya was controlled by Greeks, Phoenicians, Romans, Vandals, Byzantines, Arabs, Ottomans and finally invaded by Italy in 1912, just to make Africa a piece of cake gnawed by all European powers. More than 150,000 Italians settled in the country in this period driving the agricultural land to its original residents.

After the Second World War, after the defeat of Italy as part of the shaft, the Europeans do not see any interest in the country five times larger than Italy but with a population of barely one million inhabitants at the time, because its vast territory is mainly desert so give it independence and place as King Idris I.

In 1969, King Idris was overthrown by a military revolt led by Muammar al-Gaddafi who proclaims a socialist revolution that nationalized land and businesses. The state takes 51% of the shares of banks, are expelled to the bases in Britain and the United States and confiscated properties to all Israeli citizens and Italians. In 1973 he nationalized 51% of all foreign companies.

Gaddafi declares Prime Minister in 1970 and changed its name to the country by Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. Imposed price companies oil so that the economy was needed to strengthen its army and internationalist play adhering to non-aligned movement and strengthen ties with the Soviet Union.

His confrontation with the West led him to sponsor armed leftist movements and to be accused by the U.S., Britain, France and Germany to commit terrorist acts in their countries with terrible human losses. Among the most traumatic are the charges of placing a bomb on Flight 103 Pan Am American line in 1988, two years after President Ronald Reagan bombed Tripoli, killing one of the daughters Gaddafi. It is also related to a bomb planted in the discotheque "La Belle" in Germany and an attack on a French airliner UTA company in 1989.
With Silvio Berlusconi
However, from 2001 Gaddafi gives a 180 degree ideological shift to the far right, he makes them forget their previous lapses by paying U.S. $ 2.700 million to the families of those killed in the bombing of Flight 103, and as many millions to the French airline UTA and the victims of the nightclub "La Belle" in Germany. This shift makes the right intimate partner Italy's Silvio Berlusconi, the then English President José María Aznar and even receive written praise from George Bush, who resumed diplomatic relations with Libya.
With José María Aznar
blames Gaddafi currently being Al Qaeda who are behind the movement for their expulsion, the de facto government in Tripoli.

However it is interesting that the Libyan Board Transition directing the efforts by his dismissal is headed by Mohamed Abdul Jalil Mustafa Abdulyalil who until a few days ago was his Minister of Justice and who now claims that Gaddafi was who gave the direct order to execute the attack on Flight 103. He says now, twenty years after the incident and while he was one of his relatives.

Abdulyalil Mohamed Abdul Jalil Mustafa
From the city of Benghazi, the second largest city in Libya, now held by the rebels, the former minister for justice Gaddafi erases all sins of commission or omission done solely responsible for the dictator who until a few days ago gave the orders. The other head is visible Libyan Ambassador Ali Aujali in the United States who said he was willing to sacrifice their 41-year-Qaddafi government official if it does not quit.

Meanwhile NATO military intervention organization that looks more like an attack on a school of piranhas, ready to dispute its rich oil fields that a day of goodwill. Is that they are the same ones who went from hero to tyrant and trading partner, for which they did not mind the fate of his suffering people but legal certainty of their investments. His closest ally, the Italian government has announced that in honor of his close friendship with Gaddafi will not send troops to conduct military action against the Libyan dictator, but according to Euro-Atlantic loyalty if their base pay for any military operation is carried out .


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