Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How To Make Suction Cups


By: Felipe Argote

Once again the government is facing indigenous people physically.

chorizo \u200b\u200bFirst was the law. After more than a week of clashes which killed and wounded were total or partial loss of eyesight, the government fell in all but the historical privilege of not granting injunction policemen linked to crimes. The only exception was that it was a mistake. In January it became clear the relationship of some policemen in the deaths of several teenagers in detention. Since the law does not permit preventive detention before a fact as obvious prison barracks were invented. Although I do not understand how there can be barracks in Panama jail if the army was abolished, so there should be no barracks.

In any case, the second match is given by the change in the mining code. In this case it is clear that the Indians, especially the people gnöbe and Bugle, expressed their unwavering desire to prevent the mining. The law before being repealed and was a consistent parapet because no investor would put money into an area of \u200b\u200bconfrontation. In any case I believe the repeal is not evidence of weakness of the government, but neither is a fortress. The contrary is proof that traditional politicians, including Martinelli, continue with the method of improvisation and enforcement.

That sad spectacle of the deputies who imposed the law without further consultation with the logic that if lengthy discussion groups that are against it will have greater opportunities to strengthen their positions in the public consciousness and then passing the law and is as stated in the streets "last nail." But this logic leads to show for the umpteenth time as simple chains of transmission of the will of the executive. And impose the law on crack and it breaks and the repeal when a representative of the executive will be leading the way and they follow like sheep of Panurge.

Did not have been more appropriate to develop the discussion, and that 75% of the population Martinelli discovered a month after he was against mining will be displayed and the deputies, as representatives of their voters and not as mere subordinates of the executive, make a decision based on the will of the majority?.

Maybe that would have discovered that for the native land has a different connotation. That is not the ownership of the plot but common property or around the area in which they operate. Since more than 500 years they have been cornered and there is no land above the mountains. If he grabs the mountain with the pretext to exploit its wealth and it drops splashing them, and they will not have anything. They are therefore prepared to give their lives to defend it.

75% of the population sympathized with the struggle of indigenous people, but not actively participate in peaceful demonstrations and mass gatherings. This does not necessarily mean that all were against mining. In my opinion is that there is credibility in responsible mining, simply because the government has been irresponsible not alone in this but in many respects. Amid the discussion of the mining code the Supreme Court exempts the Petaquilla mine millionaire to pay a fine for pollution because they claim to errors.

Salazar, spokesman Petaquilla, drinking contaminated water can continue until the outbreak of bumps, pus, or will grow a third arm on the back, but the whole society, or at least 75%, continue to distrust mining call responsible, at least by this administration and previous.


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