Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hotel Reservations Control Sample Sheets

a couple of days ago, I came across an interesting article Enrique Dans where told us that Microsoft has made the decision to suspend marketing of the Encarta multimedia encyclopedia and the history of it, and as you read the entry, began to come to me many memories of my relationship with my childhood encyclopedias.

At a time when there was neither the CD nor the DVD, not at the PC's with his Word to the head, the children we had to devise many ways to present a "decent "schoolwork.

A good encyclopedia is an essential element of every home that had children of school age, there were three alternatives at that time the Espasa, the Larousse, and Salvat, we forget the British, which although it was the most extensive and complete, priced within the reach of very few families.

My first contact with then-fascinating world of encyclopedias was through "My First Sopena", a picture dictionary that children then 70, watched over and over again the excellent drawings that show us, "it Sopena worth having a "read the slogan, the truth is that although children was a fairly complete dictionary and educational.

My father, a man sighted as he was collecting some booklets that were put on sale all weeks of the great encyclopedia Monitor Salvat, month to month and even year to year, he collected all 12 volumes, so that when I need it, was already in my hands throughout the entire collection. Later

add to my collection, Animal Wonders of Walt Disney and Tales of Humanity Metro, these more specific for work in science or history but also played a role.

With my encyclopedia and a good geographical atlas could face any challenge that the teacher made me raise; work on the establishment of the 13 colonies in the U.S., or work on our war of independence or the space race or the Cold War, was there was no problem as I had achieved my monitor with the "inspiration" needed to make it and afford it, and even a high note.

Sometimes I had to paint a picture for the art teacher, a challenge for me because I was not granted artistic qualities, but it was not the problem, tracing paper placed on the photograph chosen from our encyclopedia, " reproduced "drop it, with an accuracy which wanted it for himself famous art forgers.

The role of the encyclopaedias in teaching children today was lost, the successive editions of Encarta, and imitators eventually many of them in a DVD you had a complete and current information available through several meetings and best of everything at a single click. Encarta was less decorative than a lot of books on a shelf but more practical.

The typical figure of the encyclopedia salesman is in danger of extinction, publishers have to publish the most varied things, that if a collection of gems, that if the doll's house, several buildings, but to my knowledge encyclopedias are not publishing, except for a child and of course "the British" there remains unperturbed over time and changes in social tastes.

Today everything is easier, but I do not know more precisely when we need information of any kind, all, came to the net free encyclopedia Wikipedia , which do not change much the current situation looks set become the main source of information for many generations to come.


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