In 1932-the "Great Depression" American Frank Capra directed the movie " The Madness of dollar, it was expansive monetary doctrines exposed to end the crisis, bankers had to provide credit, and the warranty was the character of American resolve and overcome all the problems .
The debate it again to take back, what is best for the English economy, a bench to provide any type of credit, policies, discount lines as has been happening years ago or another more restrictive in granting credits?
What is clear is that we could not continue as we were lending to real research projects without credit, but neither is being an effective measure sudden cut by banks to all lines of private and corporate funding, the solution must lie somewhere in between as on the other hand indicates the regulator, granting credit based on credit criteria, thus ensuring your return and on the other hand trust new investment projects submitted to study, in which their business plans to demonstrate the feasibility of them.
The situation of some banks and savings going through difficult times but form the backbone of our financial system, the Government of Spain, in my opinion should intervene in the capital of a bank in which its solvency is guaranteed but are experiencing temporary situations of illiquidity indicator that have not yet taught in CCM, and facilitate maintenance of credit in the financial system.
central banks and other functions that act as regulators of the system have made mistakes, and imbalances have emerged, but we can not blame everything that is happening to the banks for their lending policy expansive in the past, neither applicants for the same, I think we all have been causing the problem.
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