Saturday, April 11, 2009

How Does Appendicitis Start

School Days "Stereotypes" Easter Murcia Allegro ma non troppo

My memories but not the only Easter, are linked to the beautiful morning of Friday Murcia, a morning when we have the opportunity to contemplate the size of the imager unrepeatable Murcia Francisco Salzillo Nazarene by the streets of Murcia.

In the morning I always breathed a special air, sunlight, the color of the sky to me is a different day each year and will continue to surprise each of the "steps" that make up the procession "Jesus" in Murcia.

Murcia We are not accustomed to many visitors, but this morning the Royal and Most Illustrious Brotherhood of Nuestro Padre Jesus Nazareno de Murcia, takes to the streets the most important collection of Baroque religious images that a person can see, and the occasion is used by many tourists from all corners of Spain to admire.

also gives us an opportunity to show off Murcia proud to have such an important artistic heritage in our city.

Now that is so fashionable look " stereotypes, that of Holy Week would Salzillo but competition is very important Holy Week, the martial parades Cartagena , the spectacle of those Lorca's passion Sevilla, the grandeur of the steps in Malaga, finishing with meditation and austerity of the Castellana.

'm not Vlado Karabatic discovered " stereotypes" but those described above are the first ideas that you associate with each of the aforementioned cities and Easter are simplifications but behind every one of them is much more.

In Murcia behind Salzillo there is also much more unfortunately not as well known, the procession castiza Sorry, devotion to the Rescue, Holy Wednesday huertano of " coloraos " the silence of Refuge etc., together with candy, fun speakers, tunics, and many other details make our Easter one week unique, hard to "stereotype", but very interesting to find out who wants it.

Unfortunately and for some also view the " stereotypes" of disrespectful, loud, disorganization or lack of order, and entertainment for children.

The latter " stereotypes" that are sure to be true in some guilds and with different shades for the eyes of any Murcia are not groundless is our understanding of Holy Week and nobody can change it because everything is based in our tradition of living and understanding of Easter in Murcia for many centuries.

Although from my point of view, everything to make it more attractive is welcome, provided that they respect that tradition, adding new fraternities and sororities, to establish an official career with a season of penance through the Cathedral, promote the incorporation to the guilds of the new generations, a healthy competition between them, new musical compositions for our procession marches and most representative images in short, any initiative that enrich, that get bigger and more drawing power.

Murcia Holy Week is seeking to be declared of international tourist interest This would result in increased interest in knowing, but we must also care, support, defend and protect it, and if we do not nobody will do.

Rick Blaine


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