Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How Do I Lower Hematocrit

A visit to the renovated Casino de Murcia

All privileged that I had this morning to be able to visit the rehabilitation and restoration of Casino de Murcia before reopening scheduled for autumn this year. Historic monument of national character since 1983 and Murcia pride for all to have such a unique and beautiful work with us.

During more than an hour and a half a small group, we had the opportunity to receive the hand of the chief architect of the play Juan Carlos Cartagena, explanations of the works for several years have been done in the casino, which can be seen through photographs the deteriorating state in which they were the various departments and the solutions were taken for restoration and rehabilitation in each case.

The Casino de Murcia Juan Carlos told us is not a building as such but more along 50 years the partners were acquiring different properties of the block, starting construction of the first building in the year 1852 (taking the street into the old Lucas, now Radio Murcia), and ending in 1902 when the building is constructed gives the former Principe Alfonso (Trapería today), with the facade and main entrance of the casino.

Although the casino had undergone several restorations, this is the first comprehensive restoration and rehabilitation thereof, of each and every one of the buildings and premises of the casino. The problems have been many, each of the five buildings of the casino had different problems, foundation was not unique, some had basement and others were seated in a quite unstable, have several years of hard work but the results are spectacular and it was worth waiting.

The library brand new English style casino, completely refurbished both the furniture and shelves made in 1913 by an Irish company.

The pride of the casino, the Ballroom, neo-baroque style finished in 1875 and where work has been quite difficult and complex, the canvas roof had to be down for restoration in one piece and then put it back and clean all the wood and mirrored walls and touch up the plaster is damaged and recover all the splendor of this jewel in the casino.

If there is a dependency that has always attracted the attention of all and sundry is none other than the famous casino Ladies toilet, and where the most important work was focused on recovery canvas roof badly damaged by the humidity of the room .

In casino runners had to remove the floor to introduce new electricity lines, water and firefighting equipment, security systems, as well as recover all the brightness of the corridors repairing plaster, glass walls and ceiling.

A work that deserves to be mentioned is the construction and subsequent placement of a new dome in the inner courtyard of the casino, a job done without the help of crane, this new patio you want to give life, will be landscaped and cafeteria.

The dining room was the hardest hit area, the state had almost a state of ruin, the work was to establish and strengthen the whole structure of the building and restore the roof based on a sample that was found of recovering the original aspect originally presented.

has also restored the pool hall, and have enabled new venues such as the chess room, new classrooms and an auditorium.

The neoclassical Roman garden.

Finally show you the painstaking work has been performed in the courtyard neozarita the lobby. They showed us photographs of their condition before the restoration in which many cracks appeared, the result you can see, good as it gets.

Two remarks before I conclude, first forgive me for the quality of the photos as they are made with my mobile, and second once again to thank Juan Carlos and his wife Lourdes for the kindness and affection was bestowed on us and all their valuable explanations.

Many memories came this morning as we went through the different rooms, the odd game of mus, many celebrations, many New Year celebrations, many dances, but anyway this is another topic ...

Photos (say something) of Rick Blaine.


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