Sunday, June 14, 2009

Vesa Mount What Does It Mean

Where are the green shoots?

The relief with which spoken by Zapatero's government has no limits, if last week before the election we "trickled in" the famous video election of "buds green , has only had to wait a week for everything to become a DRYLAND.

Last Friday, our Minister of Economy, Deputy Vice Elena Salgado, announced to us more wider than tall, green shoots that had withered, making a new revision macroeconomic data of our economy and putting off new economic recovery in 2011, long Fiais me Mrs . Salgado, but oh accident! new dates coincide with a new general election.

The outlook is bleak, but not only at the data provided, but by the demonstrated inability of the measures that have been running our government, serving for more than just increase our deficit by the end of 2008 to a figure approaching 8% when it should be below 3% and the unemployment rate to 18.9% shooting in late 2010.

As icing on so not announced, expected change in the forecast, our vice vice, gives us a rise in excise duty on snuff and gasoline. We already knew all of this particular crusade to snuff good lady, as with the burgers and wine, for that to protect our health, but still did not know his antipathy for gasoline, for now I think that while one is drunk, not detrimental to our health.

The climb gets it, 20 cents a pack, carton 2 euros, 73 euros a year on average if a person smokes twenty cigarettes a day. Come on, any measure "social", in this way only the rich will be able to smoke, if this is socialism Pablo Iglesias down and look at him.

And best of all, as argued by indirect tax increases, again to protect our health and to reduce C02 emissions, our politicians always acting like our parents, but what lies behind all this is a need to raise additional taxes to cover part of the budget mess of our accounts, and of course a measure taken after the elections, and that must be expensive, but they have it in reinforced concrete.

Everyone knows that our government is given to make the "Accounts of the milk" to that end we all run out of milk without money without eggs and without the pitcher, but today, would be added to the fable, that we were also without snuff and gas.


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