Saturday, June 6, 2009

Tracks For John Deere Snowmobile

Let's tell lies ....

As we all know the campaign provided to our politicians tell us lies, promises that are never going to meet, projects that are not going to make laws that are never to approve etc., but in this campaign for the 2009 European Parliament elections finally over, we have broken all records, as if it were the script of our Minister SinDescargas we have been brewing "Mentiras y Gordas', some were contested between opponents themselves but others were accepted by the majority.

Lies have told us many, some of them the pass and I can understand being elements of the entire electoral confrontation; the false accusation of the use of military aircraft Aznar party acts, that the crisis would never affect the social protection, Leyre the planetary conjunction which Obama called progressive, being more conservative than himself Rajoy, but I'm not willing to admit is to deceive voters with the famous green shoots "of our economy.

An essential read is the article Roberto Centeno "The joke of unemployment and the great scam Frob" , in which objective data exposes the real situation of our economy, as he says, unemployment figures record that we have announced this week is that they are neither good nor bad is that they are false , and worst of all, you were accepted by all even by the PP Rajoy to the head. These figures have already been altered in the general election in March 2008 by the then Minister Caldera, Roberto Centeno as evidenced in his article and that helped Zapatero win the election by a whisker, and our opposition without saying or moo ...¡¡

Photo: Joe Penniston


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