Sunday, November 22, 2009

Can You Have A Love Life With Wegener's

messages that have arrived this week on the English economy are still contradictory, a whole side economics Nobel in 2004, Edward Prescott in an interview in the newspaper Expansion we announced: "Spain is not in buyout, is in depression" other hand Zapatero a interview published today in the German magazine Der Spiegel, continuing his usual optimism again we say "Spain will depart recession by the end of the year ", opposition I can not talk or talked or waiting.

The reality is that we are closer to the words of Prescott that of Zapatero that still does not realize the delicate situation of the English economy, proposing makeshift measures based on increasing unproductive investment spending and higher tax increases, the results have been of dubious effectiveness.

Today we Zapatero announces a "New Economy" scares me, "The Law of Sustainable Economy, which although not told us what it is, except his usual touches electioneering, which has surpassed us, can not work. Aims to devise a new model of economic growth based on market intervention, selecting the sectors in which we invest, "encourage companies that are socially responsible " and tell us what this is, but do not know there was socially irresponsible companies, and others however, do not have the support of the state.

To finish I'll give you the solution to all your problems, and are the answers that the teacher Angel Hidalgo gave last July in an interview FinancialRedTv , a summary is as follows: "Is the market alone can get us out of the crisis, not governments, for they have been those who have gotten into it." I believe it.

Vignette: Manuel Fontdeville


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