Monday, February 7, 2011

Is 5.2 Blood Sugar Good

Zp Persian Market

Permanence like a lost soul of Zp at the Moncloa Palace is leaving us very dear to the English, Zp once again has given up the Catalan nationalism, this time led by Artur Mas, allowing a new debt issue Catalan. All with the added problem that the new items Montilla government debt, known a few days ago, Cataluña exceeds the limit of budget deficit of 2.4% of GDP this year. Target set by the English government to fulfill its promise of reducing the deficit in 2010 to its European partners.

In exchange for this new economic failure on the part of the government of Zp, this ensures the votes in Congress eye CIU but only on measures to promote employment ... This will believe them, because tomorrow we all know to continue to ask ...

We are accustomed to this marketing Persian where what prevails is the bargaining of votes for many years, but what we can afford is a new discrimination by our government in Madrid region, in this case mine.

Just over a month the government of the Region of Murcia applied for approval to the Ministry of Finance of the issuance of 700 million in regional debt to solve the serious problems in its treasury.

Although Murcia had a debt ratio of 7.4%, the sixth lowest percentage of all regions, the central government refused to issue to consider only the information deficit this year, and Murcia exceeded the limit, reaching 3.12%, the second highest.

As a stopgap measure, approved a cost reduction in various regional corporations and a further reduction in wages to staff, changes in work schedules, and acceptance of shipments, in order to achieve a saving of 300 million euros.

These measures do have a response by the unseen political unions with previous measurements of the central government, becoming a continuing source of tension, known to all, but which have been forced to meet the deficit targets set by Madrid.

Today Murcia once again, we found that the Socialist Spain we are all equal, the rules are for one another's compliance, and others the jump with the consent of those who enacted, politicians depend Murcia that discrimination does not continue any longer, we let the haggling and all pay the same price .

Photo: jikatu


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