Saturday, February 5, 2011

Where Do I Find Kates Playground Uncensored


By: Felipe Argote

To find the current situation in Egypt should do some history. Recent history course. Although the mention of Egypt causes write about the pyramids, the pharaohs and the impressive buildings that say little aware they were built by aliens. But on this subject I refer to my article: The Pyramids of Egypt.


Gamal Abdel Naser
go back to less remote past. In 1952 a military movement calling itself the Free Officers Movement gives a blow to King Faruq I and proclaimed the Arab Republic of Egypt. This revolution is led among others by Gamal Abdel Nasser. In 1956 Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal. From there along with Josip Broz Tito of the former Yugoslavia and Sri Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru of India lead the Non-Aligned Movement who claim to be equidistant the bloc of former Soviet Union on one side and the United States of America on the other.

Nasser held power until his death from a heart attack in 1970. What happens at that time Vice President of Egypt Anwar Sadat. While Nasser tended more toward the Soviet bloc Sadat was associated more with the United States until her death in October 1981 when in the midst of a pompous military parade, a group of soldiers turned their guns toward the presidential box and shot President who died of multiple gunshots.

Anwar Sadat Assassination
Anwar Sadat was succeeded by Hosni Mubarak, who continues the policy of his predecessor and undemocratic control of the election. Until 2005 did not allow the participation of any other candidate in the presidential campaign is not the ruling party. Thirty long years have passed since Mubarak took power when lifting the first storm of change in the legendary and mythical country for more than three thousand years built the first step pyramids.

The movement for change and the departure of Mubarak began in earnest in neighboring Tunisia the other side of Libya, who occupies the western border of the Pharaohs. It was in Tunisia where in the eighth century BC came the legendary city of Carthage, where after three Homeric wars the Romans managed to conquer the legendary Hannibal, considered the greatest military strategist of all time. Tunisia was a French colony until 1956.

Falls Tunisian President
Alli Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali President of Tunisia won the election in 1989 to 99.27% \u200b\u200bof the vote, almost unanimously by the official count, then in 2004 was re-elected with 99.91% of the vote. Interesting place a few votes against this country of 10 million inhabitants. Due to its enormous popularity changed the constitution to allow re-election again. In 2009 he won with 87% of the votes

All change on 14 December when a young man enters the scene 24 years, Mohamed Bouazizi, with computer education that given the high unemployment level was up living by selling vegetables. Your basket of vegetables was confiscated by police. Desperate Mohamed appeared before the council in protest and sprayed gasoline and blew himself up in the middle of the street. He did not die immediately. It was not until 5 December when doctors decreed his death, but from day began protests in solidarity with the murdered young man, which were growing and multiplying then his death.

January 14 on national television President Ben Ali appears on national television to show his sympathy with the relatives of the slain youth. His speech was considered untimely and insincere. The next day tens of thousands of people took to the streets to cry out, out!. That same afternoon, the president fled the country to Saudi Arabia.

Your Account both inside and outside Tunisia have been frozen, 33 of his relatives were arrested for corruption and the former president is accused of illicit enrichment.

As a tsunami wave came to Egypt. Just weeks after tens of thousands and then more than a million protesters have occupied the Tahrir Square in Cairo.

On Friday 29 January, called the "Day of Rage", a week after more than a million people have moved to the "Day of Farewell." While the government has called a curfew and ordered to the population to abandon the square of the congregation Tahir have refused to go under the cry of "! There we go, you go! ". The fall of Mubarak is a matter of hours or days or months rather than semes. The question is whether he will be with Vice President and National Democratic Party before the Arab Socialist Union in power since the coup that ended with King Farouk I in 1956, or if the regime survives again after changing faces as happened after the death of Nasser in 1970 and the assassination of Sadat in 1981.


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