Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cruise Ship Sunbathing

Today I had the opportunity read an interesting article in The New York Times titled "My Personal Credit Crisis" written by a journalist from same newspaper economics Edmund L. Andrews.

impressive read and see how a person with deep knowledge of economics, who has lived close to the Asia financial crisis of 1997, the Russian of 1998, the "" in 2000, is suffering in first hand the consequences of the "credit crunch" of 2007, to the point to be waiting at the moment of losing their homes because they can not pay your mortgage.

As he writes: "I had two reasons to take the plunge, the money was there, and was in love."

Today also blog Economy Weblog we announced the publication of the book "The crisis explained their victims" by the head of international economics of the newspaper El Mundo Carlos Salas whose first chapters can be read here .

In both cases we are told that there was ease in obtaining credit, the optimism that existed in all sectors of the economy, and the facility to refinance a problem happening if we were a few years in which they could make money quickly, were we writing Calos Salas years dominated by greed and seduction by the lure of money too much and are very well reflected in the best scene in the movie The informant whose dialogue reproduce then was a time where we incur a lot of mistakes.

This is the deal. I am not here to waste your time and I can only hope you're not here to waste mine. So I'm gonna keep this short. You Become an employee of this firm and you will make your first million Within three years.

Okay? Let me repeat That. You will make a million dollars Within three years of your first day of employment at JT Marlin. Everybody got that? There is no question as to whether you will be a millionaire working at this firm, the question is how many times over.

You think I'm joking. I am not joking. I am a millionaire. It's a weird thing to hear, right? I'll tell you, it's a weird thing to sa. I'm a fucking millionaire. Now guess how old I am? Twenty-seven. You know what that makes me here? A fucking senior citizen. This firm is entirely comprised of people your age, not mine. Lucky for me, I am very fucking good at my job or I'd be out of one. You guys are the new blood. You're gonna go home with the kesef. You're the future Big- Swinging-Dicks of this firm. Now you all look money hungry and that's good. Anybody who says money is the root of all evil, doesn't have it! Money can't buy happiness? Look at the fucking smile on my face. Ear to ear, baby. You wanna hear details? I drive a Ferrari 355 cabriolet.

I have a ridiculous house on the South Fork. I've got every toy you can imagine. And best of all, kids, I am liquid.

So now that you know what's possible, let me tell you what's required. You are required to work your ass off. We want winners, not pikers. A piker is someone who walks at the bell. A piker asks how much vacation time he gets in the first year. See, people work here to become filthy rich. No other reason. That's it. You want vacation time? Go teach third grade public school.

Your first six months at the firm are as a trainee... you make one hundred and fifty dollars a week. After you're done training, you take the Series Seven test. When you pass, you becomea junior broker and you'll be opening accounts for your team leader. After you open forty accounts you begin working for yourself and then... sky's the limit. Now a word about being a trainee. The other brokers, your parents, whoever: they're gonna give you shit about it. And it's true, a hundred and fifty a week is not a lot of money, but pay no mind. You need to learn the business and this is the time to do it. Once you pass the Series Seven none of it will matter.

Your friends are shit. You're gonna tell them you made twenty-five thousand last month and they're not going to believe you. Fuck them! Your parents don't like the life you lead? Fuck you Mom and Dad! As a trainee you will be building a foundation for yourself. Think of it as the foundation to a building. Right? Gotta build the foundation before you can put up your skyscraper. You know what I built?

The fucking twin towers. Now go home and think about whether this is for you. If you decide it isn't, nothing to be embarrassed about. It's not for everyone. But if you really want it, then give me a call on Monday and we'll talk. Just don't waste my time. Alright. That's it.

ViƱeta: Memorias de Gregorio Samsa


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