Yesterday I was in the blogeuropa.eu an entry wondering whether Spain would remain a small country, title of a report written by Charles Grant director of Centre for European Reform London whose summary translated into English published on 8 May, the newspaper ABC.
I think it's always good to read opinions of others about the last years of our foreign policy, especially the hand of a person as objective as Grant Shawls passes where we spent years detailing the movements that led Spain on this issue.
"There is a strange paradox about the role of Spain in the EU. Although it is one of those most in favor of EU states, is the least influential of the six largest (the others are Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Poland). It was not always so. "
" From the time they joined the EU in 1986 through the early years of this decade, Spain has been part of the leadership group of the EU. "
" Felipe Gonzalez invented the concept of European citizenship, cohesion funds of the EU, and urged the "Barcelona process" through which the EU provides assistance to countries across the Mediterranean "
Gonzalez forged close relationship with Helmut Kohl and François Mitterrand, then dominated the EU, while at the same time got a good relationship Margaret Thatcher (and Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr.). "
Felipe Gonzalez made many mistakes, but I must admit that foreign policy was first put Spain in a privileged position at the international level, Spain achieved a very influential role in all international conflicts exert a role mediator.
"José María Aznar, who replaced Gonzales in 1996, was less committed to European integration. But his figure is still a person to keep in mind: he helped launch the "Lisbon agenda" to economic reform in 2000 and then blocked agreement on the EU constitutional treaty in a bid to maintain greater voting weight to Spain than its population merits "
" He forged strong alliances with Tony Blair, Silvio Berlusconi and George W Bush, which culminated in his support for the invasion of Iraq. The Iraq war was very unpopular in Spain, which helped the Socialists back to power in 2004. "
Aznar held power of decision of Spain within the EU, Spain achieved its mandated criteria convergence to join the monetary union and single but can be put in foreign policy is not to weigh the consequences of their alliance George W Bush in the Iraq war, Felipe Gonzalez did the same but had the support of the opposition of the time, and Zapatero took that decision as its main electoral asset to gain power in 2004.
"During the five years of President José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the English influence in the European councils has diminished."
"Zapatero has not been particularly visible in the global economy and diplomatic issues. He invented the "alliance of civilizations', to build bridges between the Muslim world and the West"
"Zapatero took another hit when Spain insisted that - although not a member of G20 - be allowed to attend the recent meetings of G20 heads of government in Washington and London. However, did little in the discussions of the G20. In many of the key policy issues currently facing the EU - such as Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, financial regulation, economic policy in the eurozone and climate change - the voice of the English has remained silent. "
These words are very explanatory about the current situation of English foreign policy where it has lost much weight, both in Europe and in major international policy decisions. After begging for a seat in the G20 summit, and is not the first one to comment, the same attitude in being silent.
Grant goes on to explain from their point of view the causes of weight loss and its conclusions are as follows:
"I see two reasons for weight reduction in Spain. One is the personality of the prime minister. "
" He has not made any serious effort to build alliances with other leaders and countries. Zapatero's interests are primarily domestic. "
" Zapatero has objected to undertake painful reforms to address structural weaknesses in the economy English, including exceptionally low productivity. "
" Zapatero's foreign policy has been popular at home, especially among Socialist voters. But that policy has contributed to the second factor that has hampered the English influence in the European Union on many important issues, Spain has no weight and is at the end of the spectrum of the Member States. "
" In the subject of Russia, Spain blames the West for many of the recent difficulties in EU-Russia relations, and often argued (along with Germany and Italy) that the EU should not criticize the Russians. When it comes to China, the report of a recent Council of Foreign Relations stated that Spain is the least critical of the Member States on human rights - the English leader refused to meet with the Dalai Lama - but most give support to measures protectionist measures against Chinese products. In Iran, Spain - along with Germany, Austria, Greece and Cyprus - have argued against stricter penalties, if Obama's new initiative in Tehran to persuade Iran to change its nuclear policy failure. On the peace process in the Middle East, Spain usually rejects criticism of the Palestinians. Taking a softer line on Cuba than most other Member States. "
In these last lines he describes the English position on the major issues of international politics, and why our isolation from our neighbors and allies.
But the situation instead of better, worse decisions without the consent of other members of the EU and U.S.
"In all these issues, Spain is at odds not only with most of its EU partners, but also with the U.S. This pattern was repeated in February 2008, when Spain resisted the pressure, Americans, British, French and Germany to recognize Kosovo's independence. Indeed, without opposition from the English, the other unwilling to recognize the territory - Cyprus, Greece, Romania and Slovakia - would not have dared to break the unity of the EU. "
then explains the particular situation in which our foreign policy is developed, conditioned by a socialist party, that instead of moderating their thinking and behavior, direct foreign policy thinking that still remain prevalent ideas of socialism in the nineteenth century.
"In all European countries, national policy affects foreign policy, but in Spain the relationship is particularly strong. On the issues mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, the English government's position tends to reflect public opinion. The English are among the most anti-American Europeans, and the position of the PSOE is more anti-Americanism that the conservative Popular Party. "
" Zapatero is generally reluctant to take views on foreign policy that disturbs socialist militancy. Inevitably, this leads to tensions between professional diplomats and party. "
" English officials claim that Obama's presidency will be easier to play for Spain a more important role in the EU. They say that U.S. policy has approached the English point of view on issues such as Russia, Iran, Middle East and Cuba, so the English positions are now the main focus. "
With the advent of Obama, English diplomacy intended to recover the wasted paper in recent years by the misguided decisions of Zapatero, but Grant is not so sure of recovering the role, importance and lost pean;
"I hope the English officials have reason but I have my doubts that Spain starts to behave as a major EU Member pisases in the near future. "
" But I think Obama's arrival is not as good news for Spain and many English diplomats imagine. Although Obama has changed U.S. policy on the four issues I just mentioned, the positions are still far from English to American positions. Spain is much less critical than the U.S. on Russia, Iran, Cuba and the Palestinians. "
" And Obama's arrival has not prevented serious tensions between Washington and Madrid re-emerging. In March, the English defense minister announced that Spain withdraw its troops from the NATO mission in Kosovo. Neither Obama nor the administration of the English Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned in advance. This did not sit well in Washington, where officials recalled the hasty unilateral withdrawal and Zapatero of English troops from Iraq in 2004. "
" Another reason to be skeptical is that the personality of the prime minister will not change. His main interest remains national. "
If Zapatero of Spain's role sees no improvement in the future, nor has any hope that the situation will improve with a change in popular National Government;
"Moreover, even if the Popular Party would return to power - the elections would not be until three years - the role of Spain could not be altered much. Mariano Rajoy, Popular Party leader, nor speak any foreign language and is also particularly interested in domestic politics. "
the end shows us the hope that their predictions are wrong for the good of Spain and the EU but makes clear that European leaders can not as if Zapatero, in my opinion, govern for their own interests and stakeholders, policy objectives issued abroad must be thinking globally.
"I hope I am wrong in predicting that Spain will remain, in terms of a small EU country. The European Union requires Member States which aims to extend beyond their own immediate interests and needs leaders who can think globally. Spain's politicians should not sit and feel relaxed about the fact that Britain, France, Germany and some other usually develop the agenda of the European Union. "
Very interesting I found the report of Charles Grant, which enabled me to translate, (With the help of Google), and summarize the main points of the same, I have clarified some issues I did not know, and others has helped me to confirm my opinion about our foreign policy.
Today I can only lament the consequences of our foreign policy over the past five years, the loss of Spain's role in international forums, the distrust of our allies, and the dubious "Alliance of Civilizations", the truth that everything is very sad but there is.
Photo: El_Enigma
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