Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Arnold Schwarzenegger In Filimleri

Who will be the next Ted Williams?

a break of several months, I return to my activity in the blogosphere. I wanted to re-write, without pressure of any kind, with a rate of blog updates will be limited by the time you have available, but always looking for quality and interest entries are published. And to start I echo the good news, which unfortunately have time to comment on others who surely will not be as nice as this.

The most surprising news so far this new year is that of Ted Williams. Ted his life has turned around 180 degrees. A journalist from Columbia dispach indigent posted a video on You Tube last day of January, the video suddenly becomes a virus that reaches every corner of the world. Thirteen million hits in two days, breaking all records, but unfortunately the video is removed by a claim of copyright. From here begin interviews in several programs of the U.S. network NBC to understand the reasons that led to his desperate situation and showered with job offers. Commentator for the games of the Cleveland Cavaliers, and a contract with the news channel MSNBC to bring its unique voice to some of their advertising spots.

I will not go into the topic of "United States the land of opportunity" or the "American way of life ", nor discuss the impact and speed of news in the Internet age and social networks, this kind of stories we like them all, and we are all happy, but what we have to ask now is whether Ted Williams are many more around the world. I'm sure the answer is yes. People with an extraordinary talent and for various life circumstances place them in difficult situations and invisible to the rest of society.

As there are many who deserve a second chance and it seems to have become fashionable, for instance Geech Dan and Mustard who shot to fame here in Spain the first week of last December, with several blog entries about his prodigious also voices. Who will be the next Ted Williams?, This is the response are many and some are already looking for ....


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