Monday, January 24, 2011

Flus Going Around 2010

correcting you've done for us this

Rajoy, why, you were in the past three years, without saying yes or no, without getting wet, without moving, we were all a gift Tancredo fact that you do not moved or the five million unemployed, nor the real risk of bankruptcy of Spain, or the many cases of corruption or economic solutions to fix Spain, and now you and betrayal, you come to an agreement with nocturnal and treachery to the PSOE Sinde pass the bill.

But you, who has deceived you?, To be now in favor of the same law that you rejected a month ago in the Senate. Because I do not understand, legal guarantees are the same, a competent tribunal appointed by the Ministry of Culture will be charged with determining the closure of a web. And this law, is the Reform party can accept?

The copyright in Spain was secured by intellectual property law, and we all agree that the authors should benefit from his work, but to achieve this, the business models should be adapted to new technologies and create new channels of distribution. We are all waiting for a movie Spotify and gladly would pay a monthly fee, and pay to Itunes when we downloaded a song, because the price is right, and take into account the reduced costs of distributing a work on the Internet.

In a game interventionist and censor what we could expect but you do not, and now you have given approval to a law that does not know where we are going to take, but what I know, today is your absolute majority is more distant ...


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