Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bottle Washer Sterilizer

By: Felipe Argote

Gabo had said that it is a chronicle of death foretold. Seven teenagers are burned alive before the television cameras while their murderers mock, insult them and finally, when they do go out with their flesh hanging in shreds, the thumping your staff are police. One of the trustees gritted his teeth while using both hands to gain more strength when the rod embedded in the ribs one is now deceased. Van and five dead.

The effect succumb to the flames is not as benevolent as it concluded a shot in the head. In the burnt, the death is slow. Gradually, the kidneys, liver, lungs lose their operating charred and hours or days, not immediately, after a sharp and sustained pain, the person dies. As this occurs, in the early stages, the victim has strength enough to walk in pain. This was used by police and stewards to hit teens viciously offenders.

None had killed, nor was hitman. Two of them had come to steal for the first time in a house. It was his first offense. Were caught and as is fitting, were punished with imprisonment for transgression. I was a week to serve his sentence. They were assassins or murderers, to the discomfort of some who want to find a justification to such barbarity.

But this situation does not arise by spontaneous generation, the ingredients that led to the fatal outcome has been cooked slowly. It began years ago with the campaign of demonization of teenagers by the current Minister of Education at the time seeking rating reality show starring the morning of a television channel. It is adorned with the campaign against the human rights of various radio programs starting with Renato Pereira, against those human rights defenders. Fifteen days after the abominable acts heard the radio commentator and a physician member of the ruling party in the previous government and now member of the party of the current government, which they had been taunted many tear gas and had never seen one of them started fire.

All this is flavored with civic despair that before the crime wave and the government's inability to stop it, in frustration, consider radical measures necessary. The catchy slogan of the heavy hand of former mayor Juan Carlos Navarro in his campaign.

Then came the case of Bocas de Toro in several deaths, some lost their sight completely and others partially, many still have high levels of lead in their body product of the pellets. No one is arrested. All excess is placed in the dustbin of oblivion. Rampant impunity in the country abounds.

Finally came the Law 74, which replaced Law 30, better known as chorizo \u200b\u200blaw that allows special treatment for police who commit excesses. This privilege they never had before formally, or in times of dictatorship, which states categorically that no police officer may be removed from office or placed in custody before a murder, was left in the new act repealed the 74 to 30. This with the consent of all parties involved in the dialogue to repeal, both employers and unions with the exception of the representatives of FRENADESO.

Teenagers burned were neither hired nor murderers. They were there for minor offenses and several were about to go free after paying their penalties. Not convenient for them to participate in the riot that developed after two weeks without water and twenty-four hours without food in a prison built for 45 prisoners where they had 185 young people.

they showed no mercy against the officers and trustees. This case is an abomination against humanity. The video of teenagers desperate as they burn slowly has traveled the world. Our investment grade country has fallen to level of barbarity.

The resignation of the chief of police and public security minister would be a fact in any civilized country, but not in Panama, where politicians entrenched in government: in this, the previous and that preceded it, are sharpened nails and teeth every morning for them to hold public office.


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